What I do
Catering Canopies
Makeup air
Air handling units
Extraction systems
Plant room systems
Catering interlocks
I am experienced and qualified in the Modification, repair and servicing of
all manner of ventilation systems, I retrofit gas interlock systems for commercial kitchens, and I will even do duct cleaning .....

I carry the latest diagnostic kit for most manufacturers, and a good range of spares. If I havent got it with me I can usualy get it next day. I also install, but only small systems.
Examples of Ventilation work you might want doing
Ventilation Tips
Clogged filters can massively increase the power usage of your system. Regular filter changes will also ensure long trouble free service from your equipment
Air handling units
These often have a 'frost lockout' (it will show up on the main panel) - if this trips it tends to mean you have clogged filters
Noise is usualy due to loose supports.... Have you tried tightening them?
Duct cleaning is now a legal requirement in commercial kitchens as is keeping records of it being done.........