“..This is now a popular alternative to oil in rural areas, as it alows one fuel to cook and heat with, but bulk tank 'contracts' are becoming a drag...... You can change back to 4 big bottles, giving better choice of gas suppliers...... ”
Liquefied petroleum gas - LPG
There are a lot of disciplines here - LPG tanks, boilers, burners, cookers, . Dont worry I'm competent in all - see my GAS SAFE registration

So, I install, service and repair all LPG appliances, pipework and fittings.
I carry a good selection of spares on board, but if i dont have it with me i can usualy get it next day.
Examples of LPG work you might want doing
LPG Tips
upso/opso valves
You need to know how to reset your low pressure reset.....Note - your not permitted to reset the high pressure shut off.
Gas freezing
If your bottled gas freezes in the winter, Dont insulate them! they take 'heat' from the outside air to 'boil' the liquid inside to a gas - ie they are 'cooling' themselves. Try a hot water bottle, an insulated HEATED cabinet, or ive seen an electric blanket used. IE - give the bottle gentle heat, not insulate it.
LPG is heavier than air. Gas leaks will fall/flow into basements and spaces under the house. It is therefore vital that gas leaks are detected early. IE, if you smell gas dont go down into the basement to investigate.